During your pregnancy you should collect the things you will need to care for your baby. This includes, but is not limited to, a crib or bassinet; sheets; baby clothes including nightgowns, socks, booties, onesies and sleepers; blankets; diapers; wipes; diaper rash cream; infant car carrier; stroller; frontpack; backpack; play yard; bottles; nipples and formula if bottle feeding; diaper bag; thermometer; Boppie for propping your baby up and helping you hold baby while nursing; more than one nursing bra if nursing; burp cloths.
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Breastfeeding is the recommended method of feeding your baby. Mom's body produces a thick creamy pre-milk food for newborns called colostrum. The nourishment and calories in colostrum is perfect for your newborn. BURPING AND SPITTING UP
Burp your baby in between feedings. If breastfeeding, burp between breasts and at the end of nursing. If bottle feeding, burp after each 1/2 ounce of formula. This aids digestion of the formula and prevents gas pains. Teaching your child to use the restroom instead of wearing diapers is a huge milestone for everyone involved. Here is some practical advice and some recommended materials for you to consider.
The first year of a child's life is full of change. Every day brings new development and growth. Here are some things to look for and expect in your baby's first year.
My husband and I value having kids that eat most foods. And we appreciate when our kids will TRY new foods. If you hold this value, plan to try new foods yourself and offer super small (the size of a grain of rice) portions of everything you are eating to your child once they are old enough, usually after they turn one. When my children don't want to eat any more dinner, they are allowed to stop eating.
Hi I'm RuthWhat is the biggest challenge you are facing with your children? My husband and I have 8 children and have been married since 1980. We are always learning new ways to engage our kids. We would love to hear from you. Contact us and let us know what you have found that works and what doesn't. Or ask me a question. ArchivesCategories